August 18, 2014


ape tu? ok meh sini skit nk cite.
jkm tu stand for jabatan kebajikan masyarakat
sbnrnye nk link kan yg i sbnrnye practikal kt sni
since 10 june 2014.

now da masuk 2 bulan lebih.
mule2 bfore nk intern kat sni seriously i dnt wnt to
do my intern at JKM.
sb of course la my dream nk intern kt petronas.
tp disebabkn managemnt uia yg tak support atas 
sb2 trtentu so trpkse la jgak intern kt JKM.

tempat ni pun lecturer yg carikan without hantar
any resume.
pelik jgak sb senang mcm tu jew kan da dpt.
but now bile ade kt sini, best pulak.
tu la kan. betul org ckp, dnt judge book by
its cover. try dulu then bru judge.

smpai2 jew kat sni byk jgak culture shock.
ye la bygkn la ckp mix english malay pun da kne tegur
tp yg bestnye, org kt sni jgak
org2 kt sni semua protective like family
tu yg mahal...hehehe!

ape?drama? of course la ade
tp i jarang ambik port. biasenye i akan buat kje i jew
and yg plg penting kne pandai bwk diri.

skrg bile nk hbis intern kt sni rase syg pulak
mne lg nk dpt sister and brother yg sporting and kind mcm kt sni kan.

k la nk sambung buat kje dlu k.
t boss mara. hehehe....
with love 

i really need my coffee

in my state right now
i really need someone to support me
but i cant find any of them

only now i understand why some of people out there
they choose to commit suicide
they dnt hve any place to go
they dnt feel needed
they dnt hve any choice
they hve no one with them
only now i understand

but wait!! before u freak out
dnt worry i will not do it ok
i still hve reason to live

i really feel lonely
how really i wish
someone could hug me
pamper me
hve someone to eat with
hve someone to drink coffee with me
hve someone who could hold me tightly
how really i wish....

August 17, 2014

i have a bad day

something was missing
everything turn up side down
my day start with disaster

first of all
in the beginning of the morning
i hve a little bit misunderstanding with my father
usually im not like that

i dnt knw whts wrong with me
wht should i do
did i do something wrong
oh god...

my heart trembling
i hve headache
i need to relax...

i dnt knw where to go
i dnt hve any one to share
im alone
im alone.....

August 14, 2014

this is wht actually happn to us

this is the reason we broke up.


single??? reallly??betul ke fatin? mcm xcaye jew.
yess it is. but even for me, until nw i dnt believe
myself that now im single. da lame rasenye i dnt
hve "that" status. the 5 years relationship
finally end up with something like this.

tp kan kan syukur sgt sb both of us can accept
that we are not meant to be together.
one stage after another one stage,
both of us realize that we should stop
hurting each other.

and now i struggling to stand by my own.
i must admit there is one time where a man
come across in my heart during the raye
i mean this raye (2014) but unfortunately
he already hve someone he love.
knowing him even in short time 
help to bring back my smile that already gone
a long time ago. 

tq for coming in my life.
at least i pernah rase ur love even for a while.
and now we agree to be friend.
not easy for me to accept because
i starting to love him but i believe this is we called
as takdir,right?

ok. that all for now.
its time for me to iron my cloth for tomrrw.

March 13, 2013


only few month way to go. then i will be at san francisco. bestnyer.....!!!! xsabar.
prcaye atau pun tdk kaki yg kecik lg katik ni bakal menjejak kaki k one of the
best city in california. mostly i will spend around 7 days to there but unfortunately
it takes around 12 hour from KL to San francisco. looooooooong way to go~ fuh!
right nw, i tgh excited explore kt internet about san francisco, how its look like,
ape yg best sgt kt sne, detail about san francisco. then i kne buat plan. yup, plan.
what should i buy, bring. urm.... firstly i rse i should try search for new handbag.
ade trpikir nk beli online tp rse mcm xyakin plak, xpuas pun ye jgak. i need something
more tangible. NOSE? XOXO?ROXY?PADINI? xthu la. kne try servey2 dlu then bru
leh decide.

cantekkn..... melting~

March 1, 2013


.lately i always say or doing something that can make people angry with me. i always say something that i should not say. after that i really feel regret for say it. i dnt know why i keep doing it. it is not my attention at all. i keep regret after say it. maybe because im too excited to talk, because lately i seldom to communicate with other people. i with my own world. i just with my tiny lap top and my korean drama. it make me depress enough when i think about it again. it is not because i dnt hve any friend, i do have ok. but i choose to be alone because i dnt knw how to express myself. i afraid people might misinterpret what exactly i trying to say. that why i choose to be alone. my life now doesnt look great. one by one problem come without any solution. i just let it go until the point i cnt take it. infect my study going to worst. seems like i dnt care about my study. the feel is not there. this is really not me. fatin najwa is not someone who easy to feel down. she used to be strong. she also used to pretend nothing happen and going through life as ease as she can. but what happen now? what make it change? everything looks like doesnt make sense for me. i dnt knw until when all this will end. ya Allah pls give me some strenght . i really need it right now.

February 5, 2012


.yeah.....!!!!. alhamdulillah akhirnye pass ajugak ak ept ni. 
.plus ak sungguh xsangka dpt result mcm ni.
.sungguh xdjangka2. huhuhuhu.
.ase mcm menang award plak kan.hahahah.
.mlm result kuar tu, ak ase malas sgt nk check result.
. ak pun tido la awal skit mlm tu.
.tibe2 affiqah sygku ni tepon.
.lepas tu terus xleh tido n tenteram.
.ak pun ape lg, dgn ase nrves tahap dewa ni,ak pun xheck la.
. naseb baik la ak PASS.
.kalau x........ hehe!

January 16, 2012

botak itu hensem!

.tibe tringat plak kenangan dlu. 
. ade la satu mse ni ak obses glew ngan lelaki botak.
.hahahahah. pelik kan. ni semua gara2 ade ckgu
 ganti kt skola yg sungguh hensem dan comel tp...
dy botak. hahahaha. agak jakun la jugak time tu
sb first time ak jumpe org botak tp hensem.
.mcm gmbr org kt bwh ni.
hot kan. hahahahaha.